These typography classes are applied throughout the site. These classes can be applied to any text html element and will work.
Refer to the "All Text Styles - CMS" code snippet for a template with the classes applied. They are also available in the "style management" dropdown in custom html modules.
Headline1 - Lato Bold 30px/34px (.heading1)
Headline2 - Lato Bold 26px (.heading2)
Body Copy - Lato Reg 17px (.body-copy) -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vestibulum aliquet nunc, at interdum ex egestas varius. Donec vel fermentum justo, quis maximus lectus. Cras porta feugiat ultrices.
Color Variables
- $primary - #ff5e02
- $secondary - #0056ab
- $lt-grey - #e5e5e5
- $extra-lt-grey - #f6f6f6
- $text - #1e1e1e
Name: AJD Job Location Link
CMS Enabled? No